
AI research process


Spearheading UX Research in the AI/ML Space

Leading all research at start up breaking into AI/ML offerings was certainly a big challenge to take on. Working closely with the CTO/Co-founder and Director of Product, I used my technical experience to help the company understand and translate our market opportunities, client/network process, and technical feasibility.

Methods: interviews, personas, product analytics, usability testing, heuristic analysis, and more


UX Research lead


AI/ML direction


Gigster HQ


Fall 2017- fall 2018


Journey Map

With over 5,000 developers in our network, understanding and further streamlining the onboarding process for every project saved the company nearly a week of work per developer per project for more than 600 developer hours per quarter.

Process Map

When diving into new technologies, like AI, many people are more excited about buzzword bingo than getting all the details in order for a shared understanding and vocabulary around a project process.


“Know who you are designing for” is a key principle of all great design. In order for the design, sales, customer success, engineering, and product teams to craft a great experience I conducted numerous user interviews to build wall-sized personas for everyone who passed through the office kitchen.